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Oro Valley Events – those within Oro Valley – will be listed here, with no fee. The event detail is updated regularly.
If you have an event or the listed event detail is incorrect, send corrections to events@iloveov.com. We will update your information with the next scheduled update. We require a verifiable business email address for validation.
If your event is not listed, please send your information to events@iloveov.com. We will add your detail with the next scheduled update. We require a verifiable business email address for validation. Please ensure all event listing detail is included: name of the event, location, URL, and description.
On February 15, 2025, the Oro Valley Police Department will host the 4th Annual Guns & Hoses Kickball Tournament at CDO Riverfront Park. This event benefits Amphi School District’s Project Grad, providing graduating seniors a safe and drug/alcohol-free graduation celebration.
Sponsors needed! For sponsorship opportunities, contact Mandi Roth at 520-229-4910 or msroth@orovalleyaz.gov.