
I could take 20 pictures every day, such is the beauty of the Pusch Ridge and the Sonoran Desert.  If you agree, send us your shots.  Submit.

All my shots are iPhones and iPads, so they are not professional, but I like them.

The Beauty of the OV Desert

Oro Valley, just west of the Pusch Ridge, is located in the watershed of Canada del Oro. The surrounding desert has a beauty unique to the area. And those who live in Oro Valley love taking and sharing pictures. See them here.

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Oro Valley Sunrises

Sunrises in Oro Valley, rising behind Pusch Ridge are superb, maybe not as good as the sunsets, but they can be very enjoyable.

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Oro Valley Sunsets

Sunsets in the desert west of Oro Valley, Arizona, can be spectacular. Even poor sunsets can be pretty special.

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The Wildlife in OV

Oro Valley, Arizona has a wealth of wildlife, including birds of all kinds - think quail and roadrunner; daily sightings of coyotes, and bobcats; occasional deer, and the lost bear. The wildlife has adapted to the growth of residential areas and can be seen across the town of Oro Valley.

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