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Oro Valley Events – those within Oro Valley – will be listed here, with no fee. The event detail is updated regularly.
If you have an event or the listed event detail is incorrect, send corrections to events@iloveov.com. We will update your information with the next scheduled update. We require a verifiable business email address for validation.
If your event is not listed, please send your information to events@iloveov.com. We will add your detail with the next scheduled update. We require a verifiable business email address for validation. Please ensure all event listing detail is included: name of the event, location, URL, and description.
Join the Oro Valley Historical Society at Oro Valley Public Library at 2 p.m. on March 11 for the third in a series of panel discussions celebrating 50 years since Oro Valley became a town. This month’s topic is “Three Mayors Discuss Oro Valley’s History.” Panelists will include former mayors Paul Loomis, Satish Hiremath, and current Mayor Joe Winfield. The talk is free, and donations are gladly accepted!