- Oro Valley
- OV Area
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- Restaurants Oro Valley
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- OV Golf
Oro Valley Events – those within Oro Valley – will be listed here, with no fee. The event detail is updated regularly.
If you have an event or the listed event detail is incorrect, send corrections to events@iloveov.com. We will update your information with the next scheduled update. We require a verifiable business email address for validation.
If your event is not listed, please send your information to events@iloveov.com. We will add your detail with the next scheduled update. We require a verifiable business email address for validation. Please ensure all event listing detail is included: name of the event, location, URL, and description.
The Oro Valley Chamber is encouraging nominations for Outstanding Small Business, Outstanding Midsize Business, Outstanding Large Business, Outstanding Nonprofit, Outstanding Community Leader, and Legacy Award. Nominees should be Oro Valley Chamber members.
Last year’s winners included: The Physio Shop and Peachwave Frozen Yogurt for Outstanding Small Business, Visiting Angels for Outstanding Midsize Business, Sierra Tucson for Outstanding Large Business, GAP Ministries for Outstanding Non-Profit, Jeanette Cowles and Beth Roberts for Outstanding Community Leader, and Pima Federal Credit Union for the Legacy Award.
Applications can be found here and are due on Friday, June 23rd. Email them to Leah Noreng at leah@orovalleychamber.com.