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Civilized Savage Personal Training & Life Coaching

Civilized Savage Personal Training & Life Coaching
Listing Category

Civilized Savage is a private training studio in Oro Valley, AZ dedicated to changing lives through fitness. We offer extremely affordable training to enhance your mind, body & soul. Lee's extensive experience and certifications, including Strength & Conditioning Coach and Senior Fitness Specialist, mean that we provide world-class training in Oro Valley. Whatever your fitness goals may be, we work with you every step of the way to make the impossible possible.

Your Body and Mind. Our Mission. Results Driven

Contact us for a free fitness consultation and one free EMS training session (experience the new technology!), as well as a starter package of 5 sessions for $99.

Primary Representative
C. Lee Bruton
11442 N. Ingot Loop
Oro Valley
ZIP Code


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